Call center routine is by far the most demanding one. You can never be sure when you might be called in for duty. You are very lucky if you get fixed timings with a regular weekend off. You can also be sure that you are late and you can be called in to task any time. Well, sounds hard right? Not so if you develop the knack to handle stuff and have it done positively. For one, you can work during the night and have ‘all the day to yourself’, like they say! Even if you spend half the day sleeping you still can catch up on more than what you would in a normal day job. I won’t lie at all, so it is a bit frustrating at times, but when you gauge the results you are getting out of it you can be more dedicated and handle the pressure like a piece of cake, well till you can. It is said that 6 months in a call center will confirm if the person can deal with it or not. So after 6 months you know that you are pretty strong and can face all that life throws at you! You can also deal with high pressure and can develop the ability to groom your punctuality skills. You learn how to juggle your work and life in a balanced manner. You learn to prioritize stuff and achieve what you need to and skip out what is unnecessary. It is fun if we consider the change in routine every now and then because you get to see all the possibilities you can extend yourself to. Let’s face it, even with day jobs we are sometimes short of sleep and bored. Apart from this, when the routine is not fixed, it becomes fun and interesting, if you get a challenge unprepared and face it with all courage and manage to complete it, there is no greater pleasure. A 9-5 routine might make more sense, but all the interesting and fun jobs are not 9-5. Well, for one this job gives you security and benefits alongside as well. You get to do fun activities which might not be more practical in 9-5 jobs. You get to meet more people as you are mostly never scheduled with just one team, you get to change teams and supervisors and managers and you interact with different people each time and learn about human interaction. You actually get to learn more than what you would in a limited routine. Then you have interaction with different customers who belong to different areas and enhance your cultural learning. All in all, at the end of the day, just by losing a few luxuries and making yourself test your limits you are able to achieve so much more than what you did in school, college, university and your internship. Usually the employees of call centers are much more favored in their own field jobs just because of their communication and comprehension skills, the way a person from a call center is able to handle pressure and deal with work load and people from all walks of life.