Empowered women can ignite invaluable change with their spark but how often are they given a chance to do so? Women have the intellect to lead. True, but are they being trained in that direction? Although the talk of empowering women is widespread, conversations alone are not enough to journey toward the vision - that’s just step one. To break the glass ceiling that still exists, we need to go the extra mile.
Keeping in mind the need to bridge existing gaps in the leadership scene, Maheen Fatima, VP of Human Resources at ibex., set up the Female Growth Program. The goal is to help women build a personal brand reflective of their unique personalities. All under the guidance of mentors, masters of their craft, serving as a guiding light to steer mentees in the right direction.
Here is a deep dive into the ‘why’ and vision of the Female Growth Program through the lens of Maheen Fatima:
Today, organizations are seeking to prioritize and benefit from a diverse and inclusive work environment, and the trend toward women in leadership positions is definitely on the rise. At ibex. we have strong male/female ratios, however, the majority of our female population is at junior levels and we must increase these ratios in middle and senior management roles as well.
To develop and retain our female employees we need to allow them to develop their leadership skills, coupled with the resources and support system they need to achieve success. This would give them the confidence that they can be in a position to compete equally with men and grow upwards in the company.
Professional growth is very important to many of our female employees and this program will give them access to training, senior mentors, exposure to other teams, the opportunity to network within the organization, and most importantly the confidence to develop and grow.
Transformation is only possible with commitment from the individual. Once that commitment is there, the sky’s the limit. Building up the right skills, exploring different career paths, and getting the right training, are all steps in the journey.
Mentorship is the opportunity for female growth participants to build relationships with senior leaders. It takes time to build the level of trust and the confidence of communication required, however, the mentees must drive this and develop the confidence to approach the mentors. It is also important to determine and understand the appropriate points for discussion with the mentors.
The key long-term objective is to develop female leaders and to see them build the confidence to grow and develop in the organization. Improving female/male ratios at the middle management level, followed by at the higher management level, would be the best measure of success.
While most leaders agree that the best person, regardless of gender, should get the job, an unconscious bias still exists today. The women who want to position themselves for leadership roles often feel they come under particular scrutiny. Where men may be encouraged to be ambitious or assertive, women are programmed from a young age not to be so forward. Underlying gender bias means that the same behavior and characteristics - initiative, passion, and taking charge - can be interpreted differently in men and women in the workplace.
Gender diversity and equality are fast becoming a matter of policy in organizations. Discouraging and circumventing bias through policy can help organizations reap the benefits of balance and equality. Organizations should make a commitment to equitable gender representation by building a positive and inclusive company culture and creating inclusive policies. which makes us an employer of choice and also helps attract top talent from the market.
Men and women will inevitably have different experiences and backgrounds, which shape their approach to business. Challenging each other and collaborating with people who think differently can breed creativity and promote innovative ideas that push organizations forward.
Be confident – remember you are equally good at your job and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.
Be committed – you are the only one who can take responsibility to develop your skills and grow your career.
Although characteristics like effective communication, empathy, and self-awareness are difficult to measure, they are highly valued and can make a real difference. Soft skills and emotional intelligence may prove a key competitive advantage for women in business. Competencies such as emotional self-awareness, empathy, conflict management, adaptability, and teamwork are all essential skills for effective leadership in the workplace.
Although the program is still in the pilot stages, I have already seen many females developing confidence and showing initiative which is a very good sign.
A common concern faced by most female employees is they are not confident in their place in the company or that others, especially their male colleagues, would accept them. To counter this, the single most important thing we can do to develop and retain talented women is to offer gender parity in experiences and opportunities for success. It is important that women feel empowered to gain the skills and embrace the opportunities provided.
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