IAS Annual Career fair 2017 - ibex.

IAS Annual Career fair 2017!

May 09,2017
IBEX Global once again unleash its potential and came into limelight as proud participant of IAS Annual Career fair 2017. Over thousand students from various universities participated in the event. IAS Annual Career Fair ’17 gave us as an employer, tremendous opportunity to deal with our active as well as future staffing requirements. Astute and sagacious candidates, low cost per hire, face to face interviews & full media coverage facilities are just a few benefits stood out from the event. IBEX Global walked tall one more step by elucidating career lines and vision for future to students came at our stall. It was truly wonderful experience to be a part of such a prestigious event patronized by an elite crowd. And where our presence supported students in a good cause and helped us in divulging to mass audience in short span of time. We look forward to attending more of such prolific and conducive events in the future too.

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