Industry – Academia Linkage - ibex.

Industry – Academia Linkage

May 08,2018

Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) Job fair – Highlights

Ibex. Participated in the Career Fair on January 27, organized by Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). The purpose was to interact with fresh graduates and educate them about ibex. & BPO industry, attract the best talent by building their interest, updating the target audience about the current job opportunities and make them familiar with the recruitment process at ibex. Based on our business needs & currently available vacancies at ibex., our main target audience was the graduates from Computer Science and Economics background. Our team members conducted on the spot interviews for various positions, in order to generate a pool of effective resources. They also counseled students regarding their career choices and the job market requirements. Moreover, ibex. giveaways such as diaries, notepads, and key chains were given to those who were good at explaining themselves during the question answer session along with the guests who visited the ibex. stall. It has been a good interactive experience participating in the job fair. LUMS is offering a more targeted recruitment drive in 2018 for ibex. and we shall be participating in it as well. Contributed by Fatima Khawaja HR Business Analyst PK Site

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