In order to enhance the product knowledge of Customer Support Executives (CSE’s ) and making them well equipped to answer the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) of customers, the Customer Interaction Quality (CIQ) team came up with an idea to launch a rapid fire quiz competition and named it as “
Master Mind”. This activity was initiated among domestic projects of Lahore on 19th July, 2017 and was concluded on 28th July 2017. Under this model, the CIQ team made a list of most reoccurring FAQ’s of customers for every domestic project in Lahore and shared it with their respective teams of Customer Support Executives (CSE’s). Employees then competed against each other through series of rounds in a rapid fire quiz competition and were assessed in line with their knowledge of FAQ’s .The CSE’s who answered the maximum correct questions in the quickest time were rewarded with the title of “
Mastermind”. This activity proved out to be an ingenious way for our employees to attain grip on important and frequently asked questions by customers. It was an effort to make the CSE’s enhance their customer handling skills along with First Call Resolutions(FCR) . They showed a deep interest in this competition and competed with each other to the best of their knowledge & abilities. There were total six winners from six different domestic projects. Each one of them was awarded a special trophy of “Master Mind” by the Domestic Projects’ Manager – Umair Azmat Butt – AM Operations.
Comments from the Projects’ Manager: “This was a brilliant activity serving as FAQs out of the whole Product Knowledge just as there were Past Papers out of the whole Syllabus in schools, thus bringing out best of results. Special thanks to the CIQ Team.” –
Umair Azmat Butt – AM Operations Comments from the Winners:- “Mastermind activity created the healthy competition between us.” - Syed Hadi-Campaign – Customer Support Executive
- “Due to Mastermind activity we revised our FAQs rapidly” – Asad-ur-Rehman - Customer Support Executive
Fatima Khawaja & Zain Ali HR Team - PK