Karachi Chapter
Are you bored of trying to explain to your parents what job you do, or exactly how hard you work? Then what better way than to actually show them.
Parents like to know about the employer and the career path that their children have chosen, and the buy-in that one gets from sharing this is simply phenomenal. In addition, parents feel proud to learn what work their children are actually doing. Based on that thought and having a young workforce, ibex decided to invite the parents of the top performing Square Trade employees to show them what ibex does and let them see the environment in which their children work. This helped in conveying the message to the parents that ibex is not just a call center but also a Business Process Outsourcing company and so much more. The event started once all the parents were seated. An introduction video was shown to them, which explained all the important information about ibex. As the client was also present, it was the first time the parents had a chance to meet him face to face and learn all about Square Trade. HR Business Partner & Senior OD Manager, Junaid Alam, talked to the parents about our company culture and values, and the role HR plays in managing performance, recognition and employee development. This was followed by a floor visit where parents were briefed on how calls are taken, and had a chance to see their children busy at work. The event ended with hi-tea and distribution of ibex branded goodie bags All the parents were completely enthralled by the entire experience and felt that this initiative should happen more often as they loved to see their children working on the floor. The night closed with smiles, laughter and happy parents leaving the ibex premises, waiting for the next time.